Privacy Policy Agreement

This Privacy Policy describes how mgtrade handles your personal information for the services on the mgtrade Software.

Types of Data mgtrade Collects

At mgtrade, we collect personally identifiable information (“PII”) and non-personally identifiable (“Non-PII”) information from Users. PII can be used to identify a user personally. Non-PII is information that is combined with other information to identify a user personally.

Personally Identifiable Information mgtrade Collects

In order to fully use the mgtrade Software, we may collect PII such as your name, date of birth, email, and other relevant information. mgtrade may also collect payment or credit card information for transactions via the mgtrade Software. Kindly note that all payment information shall be stored and processed by our third-party payment processors.

Non-Identifying Information

Whenever you use the mgtrade Software, we may collect Non-PII from you, such as your IP address, zip code, gender, browsing history, search history, and registration history, interactions with the Software, usage information, location, referring URL, browser, operating system, data usage, data transferred, and Internet service provider. mgtrade may also collect information including postings you make on the public areas of the mgtrade Software, messages you send to us, and correspondence we receive from other members or third parties about your activities or postings.

Use of Your Information by mgtrade

  • to provide the mgtrade Software and services.
  • to facilitate the creation, maintenance and security of your account on the mgtrade Software;
  • to identify you as a User in the system;
  • to provide any service and customer support you request;
  • to resolve any dispute, collect relevant fees, and troubleshoot problems;
  • to detect, prevent and investigate any potentially prohibited or illegal activity, and enforce our Terms;
  • to customize, measure and improve our services and content;
  • to tell you about our services, service updates, and promotional offers based on your communication preferences;
  • and for other uses as described when we collect the information.


mgtrade may disclose information to respond to legal requirements, enforce its policies, respond to claims that any content violates any IP rights, or to protect anyone’s rights, property, or safety. Such information will be disclosed in line with applicable laws and regulations.Also, mgtrade may share your information with:

  • 1. Service providers helping with our business operations (like software management, fraud investigations and bill collection).
  • 2. Subsidiaries and corporate affiliates of mgtrade for purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy.
  • 3. Any third party to whom you explicitly ask mgtrade to send your information (or about whom you’re otherwise clearly notified and consent to when using a particular service).
  • 4. Any third-party payment processor to process payments made to mgtrade.
  • 5. Professional advisors, including auditors, lawyers, bankers, and insurers, where necessary in the course of the professional services that they render to mgtrade.
  • 6. Law enforcement, governmental agency, or any authorized third-party, in response to a verified request regarding a criminal investigation or alleged illegal act or any other act that may expose mgtrade, you, or any other mgtrade User to legal liability.
  • 7. Other business entities with which mgtrade performs a business transaction (or potential business transaction), including a merger, consolidation, or acquisition, in which case mgtrade will make reasonable efforts to require that the recipient follow this Privacy Policy regarding your information.

Cookies Policy

mgtrade may use cookies to personalize or enhance a user's experience. You can accept or decline cookies. However, choosing to reject cookies may mean, you have disabled some of the functionality on the mgtrade Software, which would then not be accessible to you.

Your Rights

You may modify any of your Information in your mgtrade Account by editing your profile or by sending an e-mail to mgtrade. You may request the deletion of your Information by mgtrade, but kindly note that mgtrade may be required to keep this information and not delete it (or to keep this information for a certain period, in which case mgtrade will comply with your deletion request only after mgtrade has fulfilled such requirements).

You may opt-out of marketing-related emails by clicking on a link at the bottom of our marketing emails or by contacting us. You may, however, continue to get service-related and other non-marketing emails.


mgtrade reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. mgtrade encourages you to periodically review this page for the most current version.

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