Refund Policy

Taking into account the possibility to try the mgtrade Software for free within the trial period, a refund is not granted after you have obtained access to the mgtrade Software. However, mgtrade reserves the right to review every inquiry on a case-by-case basis.

mgtrade will NOT offer a refund if:

  • mgtrade has a reasonable suspicion your Client Account has been used for fraudulent activity;
  • mgtrade is required by law to suspend any financial transactions associated with your Client Account;
  • you have violated the Terms;
  • if the mgtrade Software was unavailable for the technical reasons with prior notification sent to you via email or displayed to you at the Website or mgtrade Software.
  • the payment was made more than ninety (90) calendar days ago.

mgtrade WILL offer a full refund if:

  • You were not granted access to the mgtrade Software, or your subscription was not activated within twenty-four (24) hours after full payment was successfully received due to any technical reasons under mgtrade responsibility;
  • The payment was erroneously made more than once within mgtrade’s control: (a) for any services with identical functionalities, and (b) for the same period of use, and (c) the time interval between repeated payment transactions is beyond ten (10) minutes.
  • To receive a refund, ensure you send your request within twenty-four (24) hours after the original payment were made.

mgtrade WILL offer a partial refund if:

  • You erroneously chose a longer subscription period (for instance: 3 months rather than 1 month subscription). In such a situation, your refund will be prorated, and any discounts that were applied when you subscribed to the mgtrade Software will be subtracted from the amount mgtrade owes you. mgtrade will account for partial months in our refund calculation.
  • The mgtrade Software was unavailable for a consecutive three (3) hour period due to technical reasons within mgtrade’s control, and without any prior notification to you (an “Outage”). In such a situation, your refund will be calculated as 1/30 of the monthly subscription fee you paid in the month when the Outages happened for every calendar day when such incidents occurred.
  • You haven’t used the mgtrade Software (including visiting of website, launching of the mgtrade Software, making requests via API, etc. with your mgtrade Account details) for several last consecutive periods of the subscription. In such a case, the refundable amount is the unused pre-paid amount (excluding current period), and any discounts that applied when you subscribed to the mgtrade Software will be subtracted from the amount mgtrade owes you.

To receive a partial refund, requests must be submitted within twenty-four (24) hours after the original payment was made and the Outage was eliminated.

In case you've received the right for a refund please note that all tax amounts, that mgtrade has automatically accrued and paid in line with applicable law of jurisdiction you established, are to be excluded from the refundable amount. In any case, you have no right to claim refunds of any paid by mgtrade taxable amounts.

mgtrade is not responsible for any fees that may be applied by your payment service provider when processing a refund.

Availability of Services, Suspension and Termination

Subject to these Terms, mgtrade shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the mgtrade Software in any manner that will not disrupt your use of the services. You agree that from time-to-time, the mgtrade Software may be inaccessible or inoperable for whatsoever reasons including: (i) equipment malfunctions; (ii) periodic maintenance or repairs; or (iii) causes beyond the reasonable control of mgtrade, or that are reasonably unforeseeable by mgtrade, including the network congestion, any telecommunication or digital transmission link interruption or failure, malicious network attacks, or other failures. You agree that mgtrade is not liable for interruptions to the availability of the mgtrade Software and acknowledge that mgtrade does not guarantee access to the mgtrade Software on a continuous and uninterrupted basis.

mgtrade may suspend or terminate any mgtrade Account, and/or suspend or terminate the mgtrade Software at any time, based on sole discretion, without any notice to you or any liability for doing so.

mgtrade is not responsible for any support or maintenance regarding the Website or Software. mgtrade may – at its own discretion – modify the Website or Software and their functionalities at any time to enhance the user experience. mgtrade is not responsible for any downtime due to these actions.

To the maximum level permitted by applicable law, mgtrade hereby disclaims all implied warranties regarding the availability of the Website and Software.

External Link

The mgtrade Software may include links to certain services from/by third parties, including advertisers and other content providers. mgtrade has no control over such linked services, and we are not responsible for their content, functionality, or legality. Such third parties may collect data or request for personal information from you; mgtrade is in no way responsible for the collection, usage or disclosure of any information such services may collect. Linking to any other services or sites from the mgtrade Software is entirely at your own risk.

mgtrade's IP Rights

All copyright, trademarks, rights, patents, and any other intellectual property rights in and on the mgtrade Software and all content (including all applications and materials) located on or available through the mgtrade Software shall remain vested in mgtrade.

You must not copy, disassemble, reproduce, republish, decompile, download, post, broadcast, transmit, reverse engineer, make available to the public, or otherwise use mgtrade content in any manner except for personal non-commercial usage. Also, you agree not to adapt, alter, or make a derivative work from any mgtrade content except for personal, non-commercial usage. Any other use of mgtrade content requires the prior written permission of mgtrade.

Except as expressly permitted here, you may not use mgtrade's name, trademarks, service marks or any other IP Right of mgtrade in any manner whatsoever to suggest association or affiliation with or endorsement by mgtrade without the express prior written consent of mgtrade, which mgtrade may withhold at its sole discretion.

The names, images, and logos identifying mgtrade or third-parties as well as their products and/or services are subject to copyright and trademarks of mgtrade and/or third parties. Nothing contained in these Terms shall be seen as conferring any license or right to use any trademark or copyright of mgtrade or any other third party.

Feedback and User Content

You agree that User feedback benefits the mgtrade Software, all Users, and the efficiency of the mgtrade Software and you specifically request that mgtrade posts feedback on the Website and anywhere else based on mgtrade'sdiscretion.

mgtrade does not generally investigate any User Content for accuracy or reliability. Also, mgtrade does not guarantee that User Content is accurate or reliable You are solely responsible for your User Content, and are entirely responsible for any legal action that may be implemented by other Users or third parties due to or in line with your User Content. mgtrade is not legally responsible for any feedback or comments posted or made available on the mgtrade Software.

To maintain the integrity and operations of the feedback system and protect Users from any abuse, mgtrade reserves the right (but is under no form of obligation) to remove posted feedback or information that, in mgtrade's sole judgment, violates the Terms or negatively affects the mgtrade Software, depreciates the integrity of the feedback scheme or otherwise is not in consistent with the business interests of mgtrade. You agree that you will notify mgtrade of any error or inaccurate statement in your feedback, and that if you do not do so, mgtrade may rely on the accuracy of such information.


If a third party makes any demand or complaint or initiates any action or files any claim whatsoever (a “Claim”) in line with your use or abuse of the mgtrade Software, including your activities to promote, offer and/or sell a product or service, you shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless mgtrade, its related parties, and affiliates, and its directors, officers, heirs, employees, agent’s representatives, licensors, attorneys, successors, and assignees (each, a “mgtrade Party”; and collectively, the “mgtrade Parties”), from and against all forms of damages, liabilities, claims or costs (including the costs of investigation, litigation, defense and reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) (“Losses”) incurred by any mgtrade Party owing to such Claim, regardless of whether such Losses are incidental, direct, punitive, consequential, or statutory.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall any mgtrade party, or its heirs, assigns and successors, be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages whatsoever arising out of, resulting from, or in line with these Terms and/or any (a) use of or inability to use the mgtrade Software, (b) any personal injury, property damage, or loss of any sort, due to your access to or use of the mgtrade Software, (c) unauthorized access to or usage of any personal information and/or financial information stored there, (d) interruption or termination of transmission to or from the mgtrade Software, and/or (e) bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or the likes, which may be conveyed to or via the mgtrade Software, whether or not mgtrade is advised of the possibility of any such damages. Regardless of anything here to the contrary, the maximum cumulative and aggregate liability of mgtrade for all damages, costs, or losses from claims arising under or regarding these Terms, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, shall not exceed the amount equal to the total amounts due and payable by mgtrade to you under these Terms for the month immediately preceding the date upon which such damages accumulate.

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